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larp:combat:killing-blow [2021/06/12 07:56] – created biglerjlarp:combat:killing-blow [2022/03/20 11:06] (current) biglerj
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 +====== Killing Blow ======
 +A killing blow may be administered only to a unconscious victim.  It is delivered by touching a weapon or spell packet to the victim's torso and calling out "Killing blow one... killing blow two... killing blow three."  (This process takes a minimum of three seconds, no matter how quickly you say the words.)  If the process is interrupted, the killing blow fails.
 +A killing blow may be interrupted by:
 +  * The character taking damage
 +  * The character being hit with any spell
 +  * The character being hit with raw mana (hitting the character with a spell packet while saying the descriptor **interrupt**((//Interrupt// is a spell that has no effect except to interrupt a killing blow.)))
 +  * The character's weapon being knocked away
 +  * The character being distracted by a rogue's **distract** ability.
 +If a killing blow is interrupted, the character must wait at least 15 seconds before attempting another killing blow.
 +If a killing blow succeeds, the character is dead and is beyond normal or simple magical healing.  (A killing blow is the equivalent of cutting the victim's head off.)  However, a dead character may still be magically resurrected.